US: Consumer confidence, cost phenomenon caused by inflation

The consumer confidence index rose slightly in March after falling in February. The index has now risen to 107.2 (1985=100) from 105.7 in February.

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The consumer confidence index rose slightly in March after falling in February. The index has now risen to 107.2 (1985=100) from 105.7 in February. The current situation index, based on consumers' assessment of current business and labor market conditions, rose to 153 from 143 last month. However, the index of consumers' expectations based on the short-term outlook for income, job and labor market conditions decreased from 80.8 to 76.6. 18.7% of consumers expect business conditions to improve. Inflation expectations in the next 12 months have reached an all-time high, reaching 7.9%.

US consumer confidence data is important as it provides more insight into the plight of households as inflation hits its highest levels in decades. The uncertainty surrounding the war may affect consumers' assessment of current and expected business conditions, while rising prices will continue to weigh on income prospects. Consumer confidence may show signs of waning amid an escalating cost of living crisis. Consumer confidence after March will give an idea of how households are coping with 30 years of high inflation.

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US: Consumer confidence cost phenomenon caused by inflation
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